And, anyone who previously attended the retreat is welcome to join us for a refresher, continued practice, and live sessions.
(Contact Diana for live session zoom link)
The Spirit Wisdom Animal Retreat
Full Retreat
This is a self-development series using the Spirit Wisdom Oracle deck with Kundalini Pranyamas.
It is not a training in animal communication.
Watch the welcome video to
be sure you'd like to enroll in the full course. There are no refunds.
All Videos are recorded, so you can always watch at your convenience.
What's Included
Each morning, we call in a Spirit Animal from the six directions and listen to a talk about the Spirit Animal. These cards are designed to help you navigate from a higher vibration and presence during the day. The readings help you to reflect on the thoughts you might be unconsciously thinking and help you to shift your mind to bring about the results you want to see in your life, or to help you simply gain more clarity into a situation. All of us need reminders as we can easily become unconsciously negative or trapped in obsessive or self-defeating patterns.
Morning sessions are great for resetting your mind, carrying the wisdom throughout your interactions during the day, and putting the lesson into practical application, that is to notice your thinking and change it around.
​Listen to an Evening Spirit Animal reading that corresponds with one of the eight chakras.
We look at the emotional and physical meanings of the chakra, the effects of alignments and misalignments, and the stone associated with the chakra. You'll practice gentle Kundalini exercises to stimulate the chakra, and end with a reclined relaxation while listening to a recorded specific chakra meditation—a perfect way to drift into a good night’s sleep and wake up happier.
You'll also learn about the Mesa, or traveling altar in the Peruvian Shaman tradition. We'll call in the Spirit Animal from one of the Six Directions. During the day or week, you'll search for a stone that resembles the animal. The stone can be used as a visual reminder of your Spirit Animal or can be stored in your Mesa. Instructions on how to assemble and use the Mesa are in a video in Session Two of the series.
General Guideline Schedule
Diana will join you live once weekly to support your practice and connection with the Spirit Animals and guide you through the morning and evening pranayama for the week (breath and mudra practice).
Kundalini is a powerful practice that quickly removes negativity, blocks, and habitual patterns. They change the brain patterns and increase your awareness, energy, and moods.
Sessions will be in a drip schedule so you will have access to the two designated videos on Friday of each week. ​
*watch the free welcome video on the program page or HERE
Fourteen Class Practice Videos;
7 mornings and 7 evenings
Three Bonus Videos;
The Mesa
Closing Sacred Space
Final Chakra Balance and Finding Your Power Animal
Four ebook Handbooks:
The Kundalini Yoga Kriya Handbook
The Chakra Stone Meditation Handbook
An Illustrated Program Summary Guide
The Weekly Journal Practice Workbook
The Mesa or Medicine Bundle Handbook
Seven Pdf Instructional Handouts -
The Fox Awareness Walk
The Owl Eyes Awareness Walk
Illustrated Mesa Handbook
Walking Meditation
Meditation on Forgiveness
The Practice of the Presence
Prayer For Closing Sacred Space
Meditations for the:
1st Chakra, Tortoise, Root Chakra
2nd Chakra, Seal, Sacral Center
3rd Chakra, Horse and Lion, Solar Plexus, and Navel Centers
4th Chakra, Cow, Heart Center
5th Chakra, Whale, Throat Center
6th Chakra, Puma, Third Eye Center
7th Chakra, Eagle, Crown Center
8th Chakra, Peacock, Auric Center
The Practice of Equanimity
Recognizing All Beings As Our Mothers
Allow one week to practice the wisdom before starting another session. Changing a negative habit or thinking takes continual practice, intention, and effort. Writing in the complimentary journal will help to track your progress and notice your mind when you fall off track. In addition, there are many supplemental handouts, recordings, meditations, and journal prompts to further you along.
Sign up for your Spirit Wisdom Animal Practices!
Full Retreat: Regular $150 NOW $81