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Diana DelMonte
Sep 13, 20232 min read
Interviewed by Mystic Mag: Communication and Compassion; How I Became an Animal Communicator
Can you explain how you first discovered your ability to communicate telepathically with animals, and what motivated you to pursue a...

Diana DelMonte
Aug 5, 20232 min read
Coyote Rescue Gone Bad
This is Kady, my wild coyote friend, who I noticed in Griffith Park, a wilderness area in Los Angeles where I hike. He had an injured...

Diana DelMonte
Aug 5, 20235 min read
Separation Anxiety?
Shirley asks: "Can you help me with my dog, Jimmy? He has separation anxiety. My neighbor told me that he whines and barks whenever I...

Diana DelMonte
Aug 5, 20234 min read
Peeing On The Blue Couch
Vicki knew that her seventeen-year-old Siamese cat was trying to tell her something and was concerned that Sasha might have another...

Diana DelMonte
Aug 5, 20233 min read
Surfer Mind: Being Present With Animals
I noticed my cats smelling the air one day. They seemed receptive to layers of scents. Their noses twitched, and their heads rose up and...

Diana DelMonte
Aug 5, 20234 min read
Alice, The Healer Dog
I have a large, strong dog named Alice. We adopted her off of Craigslist. I think we are her 2nd or 3rd home. She is so good with humans...

Diana DelMonte
Aug 5, 20234 min read
When Is The Best Time To Die?
It is sometimes difficult to know whether our animal companions want our assistance to leave their bodies or prefer to leave in their...

Diana DelMonte
Aug 5, 20234 min read
How To Listen To What You Hear
We all can communicate with animals. If you are skeptical or doubt you can telepathically communicate with animals—or if you do not...

Diana DelMonte
Aug 5, 20234 min read
Using EFT With Animal Communication
THE GREYHOUND GROUCH If you're familiar with Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), you know it involves tapping the body while addressing...

Diana DelMonte
Aug 4, 20234 min read
Just Talkin' To Chickens
Louise asks: "I think my hen, Whitey, is dying. She's not moving and won't let me pick her up. She also won't go back into the coop with...

Diana DelMonte
Aug 4, 20234 min read
Dying With Animals
The Gentle Gift of Letting Go. Oddly, several people contacted me to communicate with their dying animals in October. The requests were...

Diana DelMonte
Aug 4, 20235 min read
Yudi, my Yoga Boy
Yudi was dying. It's life, I told myself. We're eternal beings, my teacher said, on a human path. Or on an animal path, like Yudi. I...

Diana DelMonte
Aug 4, 20233 min read
Becoming Vegan
"Killing living beings?" I reminded my Zen teacher, who, by law, had to exterminate termites to sell his house. "We live in an imperfect...

Diana DelMonte
Aug 4, 20235 min read
Inappropriate Urination; when animals pee and poo in the house
I’ve had good results resolving ‘inappropriate’ elimination, most of my clients being feline and a few dogs. Regarding cats, I’ve found...
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