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Become mindful of your alignment with Spirit through the guidance of animals.

CLICK HERE to the Healing To Happiness Deck:

A Journey Through Animal Loss


1. Ground. Drop down to your heart center by focusing on your chest. Ground by bringing violet light up through the souls of your feet to your tailbone. Feel your feet planted firmly on the ground or imagine roots from your soles going deep into the earth.

2. Release. Take a few deep breaths; deeply inhale, and as you slowly exhale, release unwanted thoughts, stress, and chatter down a violet tube from your tailbone into the earth. Continue to ground and release.

3.  Relax and Expand. Next, bring white light down from your crown into your heart, through every cell of your body, and out through your palms and soles, infusing your entire aura. 

4. Ask from the heart. When you feel relaxed and grounded, ask which S
pirit Animal has a message for you today or ask a question of concern. 

NOTE: These cards are designed to reflect, guide, and support you by presenting ways to shift your mind state, balance, and restore. They're meditation cards. They do not give you specific answers to personal inquiries, like "Where is my relationship headed?" Instead, the cards will redirect your focus and thoughts away from the small self's ego mind and into an expanded version of yourself. Similar to what our animals do for us; bring us into presence and joy.  Rephrase your question, for example: 
"What do I need to know about my relationship?"

JUST SAYIN': There wasn't room on the card templates below to include the full Spirit Animal's message.  Instead, you'll be reading the main essence of each card reading--the nuts and bolts.
Purchase the deck for a comprehensive teaching and corresponding Kundalini Pranayama meditation
to deepen your experience.

DOUBLE NOTE:  We all tend not to understand a card's message sometimes or resonate with its message at the moment. We might have different expectations and want to pull another card.
DON'T!, is my advice.
Spirit delivers the message you need at the time. If the message doesn't seem to answer or support your question, sit with it. Perhaps there's something else you need to work on or consider that's more important.
For maximum benefit, practice the animal's teaching (the card you pull) throughout the day; The Spirit Wisdom Animal Oracle is a mindfulness practice, and the cards are meant to return us to Source -- to the One beyond the chatter of thought. YOU! 
The readings in the Spirit Wisdom Animal Oracle help to consciously shift our thoughts and view our situations differently, which can change the outcome and, thus, our lives.

CAUTION !  When practiced daily, these teachings might cause happiness.


CLICK HERE to the Healing To Happiness Deck:

A Journey Through Animal Loss


HERE for the number generator
The maximum number o
n the "Number Generator" should be set to 62
(for 62 cards in the deck). 
If the number is not set at 62, manually type that number in, then click "Generate" to get your number.

Always click "Generate" every time you wish to pull a card. 

Return to this page and hover over your selected card to read its message.

You can pick 1-3 cards for your question, but again, trust what you get, let it sit for at least a day before picking another card (and refrain from asking the same question repeatedly).


Your Spirit Animals

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As children, we tune in to nature’s time clock and know when we’ve pushed beyond our means. Are we giving too much of ourselves, not setting healthy boundaries, or taking time for ourselves? If you feel drained step back. Camel Spirit Animal knows when to proceed and when to recede and stores a reserve tank along her spine. Emotional well-being and strength are the recipe for youth. When we honor our needs, we have the energy and time to be of service to others. Safeguard your reservoir of energy for the long haul! We never know what lies ahead.


Replenishment and play is the recipe
for youth and
the restoration needed  for the
long haul.


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Swan glides through the water bringing Divine grace and a deep sense of peace to all who see her. We can bring this poise and deep healing into our own lives when we step out of the way and allow ourselves to be.  Spirit Animal Swan fills our days with surprise and synchronicity and asks us to make conscious decisions with the deep knowing that the universe has our back. When we come into this state of surrender, we will feel guided and will always know what to do. Let go of pushing and wanting things your way and open to the signs of the ever-flowing universe. Others will feel the peace of your expansion and respond to your grace.


 When we glide with  the
of surrender,
we glide
in a  pool
of peace.


Grace & Beauty
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We need to be prepared physically and emotionally for change. Environmental disasters, death of a loved one, losing a job, a home, a relationship, or any transition can be devastating. Frog Spirit Animal shows us the transient nature of our lives and gives us the support and foundation we need in times of change. Nothing is permanent in life. Everything is in constant flux, and when we try to hold on to our comforts, changes become hurdles. Notice when you might be slushing in yesterday’s mud. Frog cleanses and releases stale energies, so we can easily take those leaps. Leaps keep us flexible. Be willing to spring into transitions.


When we drop resistance, we become flexible for transition. Every leap provides support for new beginnings.


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Hummingbird appears to have shown up just for us,  and we experience a momentary break from our habitual thoughts and mind attacks. When we forget ourselves, we remember our true essence. Hummingbird Spirit Animal knows healing begins at the heart center. She penetrates the sweetness of the flower’s core with her long tongue. We too can penetrate the bitterness of our sorrows and circumstances, and delight in the sweetness at the core of our being—the pure joy of being alive. Happiness is our appreciation for each moment here. Remember to hover at the heart center, rest in that moment, and drink deeply from the nectar of life. It’s yours.


Hover at the

heart center.

Be in that moment, and delight in the pure joy of being alive.

Happiness is appreciation.


Happiness & Healing

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When captured by a predator, Lizard can detach from her tail, but this can only happen once. If she moves without observing and remembering her lessons, consequences may be more severe the next time around. When we don’t learn from our mishaps or face our issues, the same scenarios, relationships, and situations will appear in different clothes at different times, again and again. Lizard Spirit Animal has mastered both the art of stillness and quickness and knows when to slip into each one. Be still. Trust your gut. You are your wisdom.


When we navigate from our still-point,

we align with

our wisdom

and highest



Stillness and Introversion
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There is no point in pushing to get things done according to your own planned timeline. Keep your creative vision alive in both your heart and mind’s eye with unwavering determination, and then relax. Watch Squirrel fly through the trees. She dangles on the thinnest branch and allows her intuition to guide her quick moves. Trust your steps. We never discard our dreams, but we give them room to breathe and grow at their own pace. Remember that wisdom is required to know when and how to change direction. And patience is required for direction to unfold.


Maintain a gentle focus on that which you wish to achieve, and allow the universe to present and provide. The timing will always
be right.


Allow and Achieve
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Raven’s indigo and violet highlights relate to the third-eye and crown chakras.  Her sudden presence can be startling, grabbing our admiration and awe. Raven Spirit Animal connects us to life’s mysteries and universal laws. Her teachings encourage us to gravitate toward a deeper purpose in life, contemplate our existence, and question why we’re here. As we expand out, we begin to open to a less self-centered view of our environment and our relationship with all life. Only old souls hear the call of Raven. Delve into life's mysteries and expand yourself.


Ignite your flame. Vibrate powerfully and creatively by your presence, not your word.



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Jaguar knows if she waits, she’ll miss the opportunity. We can lose our grounding and good sense when we operate primarily from the head. Planning, organizing, and controlling our journey is tiresome, and outcomes rarely meet our expectations. With spontaneity, we throw away agendas.  We need confidence to be spontaneous. Build your center of confidence. Breathe through the belly. “Strike from the center of gravity,” Jaguar says. From the sea of Chi we face the darkness, touch our soul, and become fearless.


When we breathe consciously through the belly, we find the confidence to be spontaneous.


Confidence &

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Chicken places her curious mind in the right perspective. She may be jabbing at you to reevaluate your life and reset your priorities. We may need to view our career, health, art, commitments, or relationships differently. Chicken Animal Spirit brings this fertile, receptive feminine quality into our lives. She asks us to foster this energy. An open, happy mind brings surprising results. Get a taste of her spiritual nourishment and greet each day in awe. Fill up with curiosity. Stay empty to do so. Every day is different.

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Appreciate the awesomeness of     every day. Enthusiasm is
a vital ingredient
for growth.


Curiosity &

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When your mind is in control, you have little personal power. The “monkey mind” continues to swing from thought to thought, keeping us in the past or future. Sitting alert and powerful in himself, Lion's reactions spring from clarity and single-minded focus. We cannot stop the bombardment of thought, but we can bring our attention to our chest and rest in the heart center.  Without our attention, our thoughts lose their power. Feel the aliveness of the joy and capacity of the breath. Here lives the power of your presence.


When your thoughts subside, and your heart prevails, you feel your power.


Personal Power

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Praying Mantis Spirit Animal shows us how to set intentions and be patient. This graceful insect never needs to pursue her prey because she draws to her whatever she needs. We, too, can mentally hold what we want to attract into our lives. But this can only happen when we feel deserving. Never waver or doubt yourself.  See your life as part of a vibratory universe, set your intentions clearly, and go about your business. Understand that your needs are already known, your requests already in motion, and trust thy will be done.      

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See yourself as part of a vibratory  universe, feel deserving, and believe  that the Creative Intelligence knows what you need, and will deliver.

—Praying Mantis—


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Ah! If you’re feeling limited or stuck, use all your resources. Raccoon uses coordination and cleverness to figure things out. Feeling stuck doesn’t have to be seen as a hindrance. Anytime transition stirs, the creative flow may halt,  like calm before the storm. Raccoon Animal Spirit shows us how to relax into these low times and regain our momentum at the right time. Obstacles can mean we’re off track or may be here to test our commitment. Ingenuity is Raccoon's wisdom and only recourse for survival. Keep all your doors open, and courageously step through.


Stay in the expansion
of possibilities,
keep all your doors open, and courageously
step through.


& Ingenuity

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Consider surrendering to hardships. Otherwise, hardships will take you down. A life with freezing temperatures has given Polar Bear a difficult earth assignment. Surrendering to circumstances, she perseveres and survives. Polar Bear Spirit Animal teaches us how to deal with difficulties through surrender.  We may blame our circumstances or others for our setbacks and be miserable or become like runners who surpass the initial resistance and discomfort in the body and mind and soar through the finish line. Become a gentle wind in the face of hardships, and misfortunes will not affect you in quite the same way.

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With the power
of surrender, hardships no
longer take us down. Trust is
the principle
of endurance.



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Gopher churns the soil making it mineral-rich and fertile. Gopher Spirit Animal teaches us to see past our immediate reaction of anger. Remember this: when we become uprooted and angered, we overlook the lush ground of possibilities and unforeseen opportunities churning in the ether. Our lesson might be to practice patience with another’s shortcomings. Or to let go of what we can't control. We miss the mineral-rich lessons others offer to help us evolve. Pop your head up from setbacks and look for productive perspectives. Ride the waves, bury arrogance, and thank Gopher for digging those holes.


When we resist “what is,” we only magnify  our anger. With patience we can ride  the waves through adverse times.


Overcoming Anger

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Elephant Spirit Animal teaches us about connection and community. She moves through life at a slow, steady, pace knowing that she is part of a greater whole. We find unity by remembering our collective human experience and link to humanity. Know support is here when you need it. We never walk alone. We can stand in solidarity and be available to others. As we take slow, gentle strides in life, we recognize and feel the unity and kinship with all life. Uproot seeds of self-obsession an rise for others.


When we take slow, gentle strides in life, we experience the friendship of Mother Earth, recognize the unity of all life, and rise in service for others.



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Time to become conscious of what we might unconsciously attract into our lives. If you feel prosperous and free-spirited, and your present situation is the opposite,  continue to hold deliberate, focused feelings of joy and freedom. Sloth Animal Spirit asks you to be more engaged as a neutral observer and less involved in your present drama. Sloth’s message is of utmost importance: when we slow down, we can become deliberate collaborators in our life, more mindful of how our thoughts shape our reality, and more aware of our emotions and moods that sabotage us.


Drop your agenda, and stop pushing against the construct of time. Trust brings ease, and ease brings contentment.



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We experience joy and awaken our hearts in the presence of awakened beings. We feel this from our ego-less animals. Cow asks us to dismantle our fears which may create walls around us. When we shut down or retreat, we may think we protect ourselves from pain, but we sabotage our happiness. We must take care of our needs, but notice when we put ourselves first at the cost of another’s loss. Cow asks us to remember her and consider the actions and the causes behind the food we eat, the clothes we wear, and the products we use. Strive to see yourself in others, and work to keep the heart open for yourself first, and then for the benefit of all living beings.


Strive to see yourself in others.  Work to keep the heart open for yourself first,
and then for
the benefit of all
living beings.




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Reinvent yourself. Take another route. Change a habit or monotonous routine and feel the expansion. You will gain wisdom with exploration, especially when encountering tribulation. Coyote Spirit Animal understands “trial and error,” and knows there are no mistakes, only experiences for growth. She teaches us that our limited view can hide solutions to our dilemmas. A different direction might reveal new ideas and considerations that answer insistent problems or states of mind. Sharp turns will reset the neurotransmitters in the brain. Remain open to whatever unfolds before you.


Take sharp turns with trust and confidence. Life becomes lighter when our hunches guide us.





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It’s time for self-scrutiny. Do we criticize ourselves and others? Scoff at ourselves for not meeting our expectations? Perhaps quick to condemn another’s behavior, viewpoint, or judge their appearance? Rat stirs fear and revulsion in most. But our reactions to a rat or a butterfly are in the mind. Rat Spirit Animal reminds us that the One manifests in all forms, and asks us to go beyond the surface of our arrogance and prejudices. Do your reactions and feelings stem from the heart or the head? From love or fear? Look beyond appearances. Scrutinize your thoughts when you don’t.


Drop criticism for today. Remain neutral and respond from compassion instead of judgment.




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As we stay stuck in bad feelings, negative emotions or memories, we can believe we are not deserving of things, even of our happiness. We destroy our self-esteem with the story we’ve created in our mind. Do we ever question whether it’s true? Black Cat Spirit Animal shows us the joy of unconditional love and forgiveness. His message: to forgive ourselves of the hurt we have caused others, and to also forgive others who have hurt and caused us pain. Forgiveness does not mean to condone another’s actions or abuse. It means releasing anger, resentment, and liberating ourselves. It’s our birthright to be happy.


when you’ve messed up. Forgiving
liberates and brings




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Owl Spirit Animal teaches us the wisdom of observation and the art of stillness. Stay in the vastness of this interplay in the midst of chaos. Find your center by questioning your thoughts. Do your thoughts create calm or chaos? Do they stem from love or fear? Take an honest look. Choose the thoughts that support you, not attack you. Freedom is here in the choice––one that can become difficult when we have fearful, convincing convictions. Cultivate this wisdom of insight through stillness. The clarity of owl-wisdom will refine every move.


Cultivate the wisdom of insight and freedom of choice; accept thoughts that support, not attack you.


Wisdom Guardian

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Wolf appears to howl at the moon, but she knows that projecting her voice upward carries the sound farther. Sending our requests out with intention magnifies our sound as well. Be cautious. We may be broadcasting the opposite of what we desire. Clear the cluttered, fearful mind. The universe hears and responds. Be clear with your requests, and neutralize your thoughts when facing obstacles. Put joy into steady intention.  Wolf Spirit Animal’s message is to follow the illuminated pathway—the path right before you. Say yes to what presents itself. Walk on the illuminated path, surrounded in mystery.


Relax into what life unfolds, or hasn’t          yet unfolded, and move forward either way. Everything you need and everyone you need to meet is on your path.




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Spirit Animal Daddy Longlegs shows us how to sit and rest in the Self. Who boasts, defends, argues, feels hurt, and reacts? It's the “person” we think we are—an imagined image we defend and identify with. This voice speaks from conditioning, acquired knowledge, and concepts that we accumulate. We believe our thoughts as we speak from our projections, opinions, and guards. When we speak from Presence, people hear us because we resonate from a vast, loving space. Daddy Longlegs knows what needs to be said will be heard. Stay rooted in the inhale and exhale, and your cosmic web will attract the words you need to say, when to say them, and to whom. For now, listen.


Sit in a loving space and take nothing personally. When we speak from presence, we speak from spontaneity and truth.



Unassuming Presence

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Your healing journey begins with an honest examination of your feelings behind every reaction, to every situation, and their         connection to the past.



Horse Spirit Animal has handed you the mirror.  When we are honest with ourselves, we might understand why our animal companion has urinated in the house or displayed undesirable behavior. Horse Spirit Animal has come to gently guide us on a healing journey of sincere, self-reflection. Instead of feeling like the victim and blaming others, we can take a look at our behaviors, thoughts, and reactions. How are we coming across to others? What do others trigger in us to make us angry or feel hurt? Every reaction is rooted in the past. Examine your feelings behind every reaction to every situation.


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Our inner critic becomes louder than our intuition when we think we’ve failed. Doubt drowns our commitments. It may be time to change gears. When we follow our hunches and inspiration enthusiasm will naturally arise again. Moose Animal Spirit shows us strength and endurance with his sure-footedness in the wilderness. He commands his space with a five-foot aura of antlers and perseveres through all obstacles because he knows his heartfelt efforts bring results. And results bring the confidence needed to persevere. commit to patience and stay on track. Rise up with Moose to meet the challenge.


Commit to patience, stand behind your commitments, and reap the fruits of your labor. It’s sweet.




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Seal Animal Spirit brings play into our lives, and a taste for grace. Notice anytime we play, create, and step outside of ourselves, fear is absent. We come into balance and ease. Seal asks us to move through the waters of our unconscious feelings and emotions, to ride through those low ebbs of enthusiasm, and not freeze or procrastinate. Flight or fight responses can ignite anytime we feel threatened or lifted from our comfort zones. Notice when you are challenged to swim outside your safety net. Then listen to your gut and take that dive into uncharted waters. It’s time to flow and create the life you want and deserve.


If you feel stuck, say yes to what life presents to you. In this flow, we create the life we want and deserve.




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Act from the Being, not the Doing. There is an unmoving, stable presence behind the activity of the mind and beating of our hearts. Spirit Animal Puma is grounded in the everlasting flow of life. She doesn’t waste time analyzing. She acts on the well-founded impulse, assurance, and spontaneity of her Being, and an innocence that witnesses every rise and fall of every passing moment. You are a part and whole of this field of Oneness. Make moves effortlessly within this knowing, and your instinctual guidance.  To hesitate is a function of the mind.


When you spring from the innocence of intuition, spontaneity will rise from the depth of your Being and guide your every step. Recognize your Self.



& Intuition

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Do you sometimes feel squeezed out of life, left out of opportunities, and not moving forward? Perhaps it’s time to recognize the container you’ve placed yourself in.  We miss Pigeon's wisdom when we look from our container of opinionated mindsets. Do we see ourselves through a stained lens as well? Pigeon Spirit Animal lifts us from the vista of ordinary appearances and asks us to soar above the mundane view we have of ourselves, look past our walls, take refuge in community, find stability in solidarity, and seek the support of like-minds who raise our vibration.


Seek the support
of like-minds who raise your vibration. Lift above ordinary  appearances and see the Divine within
and without.



Ordinary Appearances

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If we think home is where we were physically born or raised, we may find ourselves longing for something we can never recreate. Memories are elusive and escape our grasp. Grasping at the intangible creates sadness and loneliness. We may constantly seek to quench our thirst for home. Spirit Animal Tortoise is always at home and finds protection wherever she is, under a resilient roof that surrounds her throughout life. The security and sense of resilience dawns with the recognition of Oneness. This unity is a place of protection and love. It is our core and eternal recognition of who and what we are. You are home.

A bedrock of wholeness lies within, and when we navigate from here, we know that wherever we are, we are
always home.





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Choose your words mindfully. Be aware of your intentions when you speak. Others hear you on the level you’re speaking from. Spirit Animal Whale teaches us about vibrational sound and the frequencies of our feeling tones. Communication is not just a means for ourselves or our self-expression. Communication is delivered to match another’s frequency, not our own. Notice and stop yourself before complaining—about anything, even the weather. “Getting it off our chests,” is not helping us. Notice the lightness and joy generated when we don’t engage. When we speak words that resonate profoundly, we have understood Whale’s teachings.


The vibration and grace of mindful speech have lasting uplifting effects. Choose whether you want to
hurt or heal.



Conscious Communication

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Fear creeps in unexpectedly, disguising itself in many forms and rationales. Do we fight to protect the image of who we think we are and strive to be heard and seen in the best light? Skunk Spirit Animal shows us how to operate from the heart center. Here we find our self-worth, which is our strength. Skunk bathes in this wisdom and sends out a vibe that is respected.  Examine what pushes your buttons. Fear responds to conditioning and past experiences. Choose to stay in the balance of your heart center. Others will not dare to cross your boundaries. The heart speaks volumes. We don’t have to do or say anything. A genuine scent of our worthiness and dignity will say it all.   


Choose to stay
in the balance
of your  heart center. Self-confidence paves the way
for others to follow.




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Mountain Goat's footing is focused and stable. Hence, she maintains her grip while climbing precipitous, rocky cliffs. Her secret? Soft, pliable pads on the bottom of her feet prevent her from falling. She survives harsh conditions, keeps moving, and never looks back. Climbing craggy rocks, she knows she is safe from "predators"the negative emotions that devour us during difficulties. We must remain pliable and not slip through the crags so adversities will not defeat us.  Remain focused through hardships, proceed from the still-spot,  and you'll arrive.

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Maintain your
grip during
calamities. Immerse yourself in being while doing, and you’ll arrive.

—Mountain Goat—



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We may need to sharpen our inner radar to cut through dark times. Falling into the stickiness of the negative mind, we can become blinded and distort the issue on hand. Spirit Animal Bat follows her inner light as she travels the darkness. Bat cannot afford to lose her way. She understands that clarity and confusion are choices. She asks us to choose every day; pay attention to the feelings and emotions that arise.  Question how every thought makes you feel. Is the thought pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral? Thoughts cannot persist without our attention.


Choose to notice negative, fearful thoughts before following them into dark corners.

el the path of



Clear Seeing

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Peacock Spirit Animal demonstrates “proud” humility. Spreading his magnificent plumage, Peacock is not motivated by an inflated ego or a grandiose facade of himself. His radiance is a natural expression of Divine Intelligence. Peacock elicits in us a momentary remembrance of our divinity. Our capacity to shine doesn’t come from ego. It arises with self-realization. When we don’t polish we accumulate dust. Imagine white light descending into your crown and beaming from your heart.  Be aware of your Divine nature, and walk in humility”. Uplift others with your radiance, and don’t be afraid to shine. It’s your birthright.


When we become aware of our Divine nature, we drop our self-importance.
We shine and uplift
       others with our                  radiance.                                                               



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Be gentle in your thoughts, words, and actions, and extend your gentleness to others. The peace we wish in the world must first manifest within ourselves. Non-violence begins here. We can’t swat flies and expect to cultivate a gentle mind. Begin by paying attention to the slight irritations and bad moods that arise before they catapult into full-blown anger. Retrain the mind to react differently. Deer Spirit Animal shows us effortless grace through her mere presence. She is an example of how gentleness can command one’s attention and admiration. Be gentle with yourself if you fall back into robot mode.


Be gentle in your thoughts, words, and  actions.
Start here and return again
and again.



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Pig Spirit Animal asks you to be kind to all living beings, including yourself. Self-respect begins with kindness. If we are judging and criticizing others no doubt we’re criticizing ourselves too. If we feel mowed over by another’s actions or words, or doubt ourselves, others will mirror this backback. Bring the delegate integration of Pig’s intelligence and playfulness into your life, and lighten up. Pig’s message is to be a lotus flower; bloom above the mud of defeating thoughts and feelings of low self-esteem. Cultivate kindness and see all life with equanimity.


 See all life
with equanimity. Spiritual blossoming
carries the fragrance
of a rose.


Self Respect

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It may be time to set new intentions and to move forward with less effort and more ease. Don’t overthink things. Issues can resolve when we step aside. The decisions and choices we second guess can drive us nuts and deplete our energy. It doesn’t matter which road you choose. There will be lessons, challenges, and blessings on any road, and the exact ones we need to experience. Try loosening your bear grip on things. Like Grizzly, we can hibernate, rest our efforts, and allow our lives to operate in the grace of Dreamtime—the flow and magic that governs our lives when we step aside.

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Honor your hibernation time, and allow your dreams to simmer. Magic  governs our life when we step aside.




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We pay attention to what interests us. A thought doesn’t stick in the mind if we are not vested in it. Notice when a mental stream of distraction sabotages your attention. We may overlook that beautiful bird above, or the animal trying to cross the street. We may not hear what someone has said or see opportunities and ideas presenting themselves in front of our faces. Hawk Spirit Animal asks us to become observers in life and look, listen, and feel with our physical senses. Become present. Be aware of the mind’s narrow focus. Observe when tunnel vision returns. Stay out of that blur, and come into focus.


When we place our hearts at the hub of our attention, we feel alive, life slows down, and the world sparkles
in a new way.



Observation & Focus

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Mindfulness is the secret of maintaining poise and perspective. Don’t react so quickly. Others respond to the energy behind our words. When you feel verbally attacked, play dead. Angry, offensive words are delivered with little weight. Spirit Animal Opossum shows us how to disengage when we find our egos in defensive positions. What ignites you? Explore your motivations behind your words and reactions. Turn to stone, Opossum says.  Speak mindfully so no harm is caused to yourself or another. Breathe  deeply  before responding.  Train your mind in this way.


When you feel verbally attacked, play dead. When we don’t attack others,  we won’t attack ourselves.



Right Action

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Kundalini, or "female serpent", lies dormant at the navel center until the energy rises through the spine. Such is Rattlesnake who coils and rises to project her radiance and presence. Spirit Animal Rattlesnake asks you to project from the navel and purify with the breath. Engage the navel center when you speak and your words will be heard. Pay attention to your breathing, and speak.  Conscious breathing gives us projection and mastery and controls our emotions

and poison. Expand the abdomen with the inhale, and collapse the navel to the spine as you exhale, until every drop of disturbance dissipates.


Practice conscious breathing to expand your praana,
your aura,
and your



Purification & projection

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Are you living too much in the head? All the knowledge in the world will not make us wise. Profound insight and wisdom rise from the heart. Our preoccupations cloud our ability to experience the heart center. ME takes the front stage from birth to death. When we experience ourselves as Source we rise above the little me. Personal identity begins to fall away and kindness naturally rises within us. Panther Spirit Animal shows us that meditation can refine the mind and awaken the heart. Cherish your life, but not the small “self” and you will suffer much less.


Meditate to refine the mind and awaken the heart, and allow profound insight       and love
to rise from within.



Inner wisdom


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Our solar plexus and heart center are said to be our second and third brains––and often speak to us the loudest. Life choices, goals, and decisions are made quickly and with trust and confidence when we listen to our bodies. There are no regrets when we don’t ignore our hunches and stay in alignment with what makes us happy. When we do not hear the “voice” inside, or we pay no attention to our body’s wisdom, we may plow forward with our ego. Here, the difficulty lies. Octopus knows the heart language of being. choose to merge with the peacefulness of our Being in all circumstances.


When we don’t identify with the tsunamis of the mind, we remain shapeless, and slip into freedom.




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Dedication to your cause, relationship, or pursuit is only the surface of commitment. Our commitment embodies who we are and means living by what we are. Spirit Animal Yellow Jacket encourages us to maintain our independence and excellence while functioning in the group. Stay steadfast in your commitment, but don’t isolate yourself. We must reach out to others for support but be there for others in return. There are no competitive, self-serving agendas when we rise above the ego’s manipulation and methods. Emit a productive vibration, and life will respond to assist us.


Our commitment embodies who we are and what we are. Refresh your commitments daily, and the good and plenty will drop into your lap.

—Yellow Jacket—
